New Balance Earth Day Media Event
Earth Day 2022 was the perfect opportunity for New Balance to share their commitment to sustainable products and where better to host than a sustainable venue, Callow Hall, in the heart of Derbyshire. tpd were delighted to be involved.

Callow Hall was hired in its entirety for this media event. While not detracting from the natural beauty of the setting, the New Balance brand was evident thoughout the venue with subtle decals on the glass in all public spaces. Windows and mirrors in guest rooms were branded too and for the Hives, mini projectors shone New Balance branding onto the floor at the entrance door. The reception and main product display area were created with sustainablity at it's heart - with furniture made from upcycled pallets and reusable beMatrix product displays. More of the upcycled furniture featured at the evening event in the woods - together with a DJ booth and of course a bar serving a New Balance Brew.

create and install
The venue takeover was subtle, effective and consistent at every touchpoint. tpd's project and production team produced and sourced appropriate sustainable materials and products to ensure this project was unquestionably on message. The install crew created each space to a tight schedule over the course of the event and when it was all over, dismantled without leaving a trace of anyone having been there.